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Donation Eggs for S.A.F.E.

Donation Eggs for S.A.F.E.

Make regenerative food accessible for all by donating eggs to our local food pantry.
Available for Subscription

Give the gift of nutrient-dense, high-quality food to our neighbors.

Want to help regenerative food make an impact beyond your own home? 

Stocking food pantries with fresh, nutrient-dense food (like 100% pasture-raised eggs) can make a big difference for families in need.

When you purchase eggs for our local food pantry at S.A.F.E. Food Ministry, you'll give food that nourishes people AND the land - in a big way! For every egg that you purchase, an egg is matched by S.A.F.E. This means that twice as many eggs go to the people who need them, and the farmer gets a fair payment for their produce.

You'll also help families access food that they simply can't find in the grocery store.

Unlike "pasture-raised" eggs in big-box stores that often greenwash their practices, our eggs are truly pasture-raised! They're laid by hens who spend their 100% of their day outdoors, 365 days a week.

Our hens' mobile housing is moved to fresh pasture three times a week, with access to the best forage and critters. They're supplemented with a non-GMO, 100% traceable, NC-grown and milled feed ration.